The Book Formerly Known as…Ewww
If there were an award for bad timing, I’d nominate me. After three years of work, my latest book is out—in the middle of a global pandemic. And that’s not the worst of it. Originally, it had a shockingly unsuitable title for this moment: Alexa’s a Spy and Other Things to Worry About, Humorous Essays on the Hazards of Our Time. Yes, I may have been a tad over dramatic considering it’s about the nuisances of modern life: scary technology, clutter, spammers, scammers, uncivil discourse and so on. No mention of Zoom meeting hackers and toilet paper shortages because somehow I didn’t see those coming when I was writing the book.
Anyway, before COVID-19, people laughed when I told them the title. After COVID-19, several people actually said, “Ewww.” That’s not the reaction you want when you reveal the title of your new book.
So I renamed it Alexa’s a Spy and Other Things to Be Ticked off About: Humorous Essays on the Hassles of Our Time which is more accurate if less interesting. And I’m kicking it out the door whether this is a good time to release a book or not. Laughter is the best medicine after all, though it’s effectiveness on COVID-19 hasn’t been tested yet..
Alexa’s a Spy and Other Things to Be Ticked off About is available on Amazon or you can order it through your favorite bookstore because if they don’t have it, they really should.